What’s your period trying to tell you?
One of the most common tests I use for hormone balancing is the DUTCH test. My clients are to take the test on days 19-22 of their cycle, but what happens when their cycles aren’t the standard 28 days? Great question!
Actually, 28 days is an average but it isn’t considered the rule! Some women are 26 days, 27 days, 28 days, and some are even 32 days. Take those numbers, make a little mathematical magic, and voila! you get an average of 28 days. That’s where that number came from. However, if you are consistently 29 days, that is totally normal! What matters most is the consistency – not hitting the 28 days!

My period is a pain in the @$$!!!

Let’s talk cramps! Some cramping is normal but excessive cramps that take away a day or two of your life is not. I remember when I first started working with my hormones. When I would actually have a period, which was rare, the cramping was pretty intense. I never left home without protection, a change of underwear, and a bottle of pain killers! That is not a normal level of cramping. If you can imagine, your body is removing a layer of itself that it doesn’t need because fertilization didn’t occur. That’s not only pretty amazing that our bodies are designed to maintain itself but makes sense why we cramp up a bit.
Wait! What color is that???!
Menstrual fluid is a mixture of blood and uterine lining. Depending on how long it has come in contact with oxygen on its journey out of the vaginal canal, the color of your menstrual fluid can be bright red to a brownish-red. These are normal colors as is everything in between.
Seriously, I could just curl up in a ball under my office desk and sleep!
Fatigue is totally common! Think about what your body is trying to do! It’s shedding, regenerating, and protecting you all within 3-7 days! That’s pretty amazing when you think about it. So if you feel a bit tired, take the time to give yourself permission to rest. Your body will thank you for it!

OK! But when should be concerned and schedule an appointment?

If you suspect that something isn’t right, then schedule an appointment. Often we ignore our own instincts or we don’t want to know. We figure if we don’t know the truth then we don’t have to face it!
Reach out to your doctor when:
- Your periods are inconsistent or nonexistent! This could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance.
- If you are swallowing pain pills like candy or you miss days of work/school/life because of your period cramps. This could be a sign of a bigger issue that needs addressing. Plus, all of those pain pills are tearing up your gut! Who needs that!? No one!
- If your menstrual fluid is a weird color like green, yellow or black. Those are not normal colors. Get your butt in the doctor’s office!
- If your fatigue is debilitating. This could be a sign that your adrenals and/or thyroid are being affected. The hormones all function together and an imbalance in one can throw off the others. Routine lab work (plus the DUTCH for adrenals and sex hormones) can help identify if there is another issue that needs to be addressed.
Nutrition can help! Schedule your FREE 15-minute phone consult with Dr. Champion.