
What is HeartMath?
HeartMath tools and technique really help you access the intelligence of the heart and make better choices in the moment to help us navigate difficult times. Stress, anxiety and overwhelm are out of hand and a lot of this has to do with all of the changes that are occurring. Humans don’t like change, especially that which is unexpected.
One of the ways that we can reduce the stress and anxiety is to access the intelligence of the heart to access the rhythms that will send a powerful message to the brain that opens it up to the idea of change. This allows us to manage our stress in ways that we never thought possible. It’s simple, practical, and user-friendly.
Think about a time where you were being told to do something and your deeper sense said “this isn’t the right thing to do.” This is what I am referring to when I say that we need to bring the intelligence of the heart into alignment with the intelligence of the brain and foster a sense of inner harmony. It’s a shift from chaos to calmness.
Change How You Feel
As the heart sends its many messages to the nervous system, it has a profound impact on the brain to interpret how we feel and reduce the feelings of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. The HeartMath techniques are designed to shift the rhythms to create sustainable shifts in thoughts and feelings. HeartMath techniques help you shift the rhythms of the heart.