What are you holding yourself back from? This is a question I have asked myself repeatedly over the years. I always thought it was a fear of being judged. While in some small way it still is, the major reason I have held myself back is because I fear what I am capable of. I fear that once I’m on the other side, I will be fully working for myself and not have anyone to fall back on. Do you have any idea how scary that is? We have this thought that working for ourselves is glorious. In some ways, it really is. I can be at all of my son’s events with a little proper planning. I can do things that I want to do in the middle of the day when things aren’t so busy. But the trade off is that I sometimes work long nights. I still have to get things done.
The difference is that I am now willing to put all of that out there. To put myself out there fully. For over a year, I kept trying to do things the way someone else thought I should run my practice or market myself. My number one strength is honesty and, yet, I wasn’t living an honest life. I was being inauthentic in how i was presenting myself and it came across in the videos. I only wish I had caught this in myself earlier.

So what is it that I do? How can I help you not make the same mistakes I just did? Or if you are in my former boat, how do I help you get out of it? I help you realize how amazing you are. I focus on empowering you to make the choices and decisions that are most impactful to your life. One of the major issues that we have in our health care system is that we go to the practitioner and expect them to put us in a box with a specific diagnosis and then prescribe
Your body – Your choice!
But why stop there? What if what you want to change isn’t your physical health, but your mental health? What if all you need, like myself, is someone to ask you the right question? Or to listen to you as you hash it all out? Or to bounce those ideas off of and then formulate a plan to get them done? See, we have ideas all day long every day. We think we can improve this or that. We could invent this object to make our lives easier. We could change that approach to parenting our children. Yet, we get stuck. We don’t make those changes because, let’s face it, change really does suck! Even for the person who says that they love change, it can evoke emotions of uncertainty and create an increase in overall stress.

No one needs more stress in our fast-paced life. We need less and our brain (and body) will slam on the brakes to make you think that you don’t need to be doing this after all. And our auto-pilot kicks back in, we settle back down on the couch with our pizza and beer/soda and all is “well” again. But is it really? No, we know it’s not. No one ever says to themselves, “Man, I just want to grow up and live a life of comfort and complacency!” No, the dreams we have as a child are limitless. Anything from an astronaut to an attorney; from a pro ball player to a dancer. We dreamt it all. And at some point we let all of those dreams turn into ass-on-the-couch moments that repeated in a cycle.

What if you could break the cycle? What would you change? What would you become? Who would you become?

Make the choice to become empowered and to learn who you really are.
Let’s find out together!